Sunday, December 19, 2010

A prayer unanswered ?

 I am not sure what outweighs a prayer. Is it the expectation and faith for the prayer to be answered or recognition of a father who does things and knows what is best for us? Sometimes we have so much expectation in prayer that at times an unanswered prayer tears us down. Is it because we really dont believe deep within that everything that happens does happen because God allows it ?

Would we need prayers to be answered even if it is not God's will? I still search within if i have prayed a prayer that way ? Was it wrong ?

When we pray we pray cause we need it to be answered. What do you do when it does not happen ? Question God  and throw ourself into a pit of doubt and neagitivity? Or try to take comfort in the fact that God allowed it to happen ? 

Sometimes its better to trust that to expect.

We prayed much, did all we could yet the outcome was not what one could hope for. Its hard to comfort and much truth is no man or woman can comfort a loss of someone so dear.

How things of future are going to be can not be said. But you can decide with whom the things of future must reside.

I pray that the comforthing presence and providence of God will strengthen each and every heart.

One can never really choose to hold on to what God has given.Sometimes life is short and when it winds down have you made that one chance count ? the chance to smile and make a difference ! the chance to forgive !

I would probably turn back to this entry just to remind myself of how important every second of our life is.We need to trust in God and take things as it comes to us not questioning the author but trusting in the perfector.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

God bless

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