Sunday, September 11, 2011

Seeking in prayer

My Father! My God!

I come into your presence with a worried heart and tired mind. Though i choose to hide it all i cant help but let go of myself into your presence.

But in this all i acknowledge all the blessings you given. I comfort in knowing my life is better, in knowing i lived a day more trusting you alone.

 When i loose grip of my faith, when hope at times stray i take time to look into your doings on my life, I might be blinded in not seeing the beauty and perfection you have placed in my life. Father God, open my eyes to see your works. Help me to choose to ponder on what you have done father.

When i ran astray you did not rain down fire on me neither did you strike me with storm. You watched me as a child. When i drift away from your presence i never knew how far my heart had been. Yet in and among all my wickedness and wrongs you stood a call away. You longed for my tear wet eyes to look on your face. I did not have to say what was on my heart. you never asked me for a reason.

God,How can i not regret not loving you ? How can i love you more today than yesterday?

Monday, June 27, 2011

From Wilderness to Promised Land

Would you believe if i said that they needed just above 11 days minimum to reach from the wilderness to the promised land? Well it blew my fuse when i first read that cause we know it was neither 11 days, 11 months nor 11 years but 38 years that took them to be out of that wilderness.

Duetronomy 1:2  "It takes eleven days to go from Horeb to Kadesh Barnea by the Mount Seir road."

We can see God asked Moses to send some spies over to Cannan so that they could see what the Land was holding for them and bring back A REPORT.

 17 When Moses sent them to explore Canaan, he said, “Go up through the Negev and on into the hill country.
18 See what the land is like and whether the people who live there are strong or
weak, few or many. 
19 What kind of land do they live in? Is it good or bad? What kind of towns do they live in? Are they unwalled or fortified? 
20 How is the soil? Is it fertile or poor? Are there trees in it or not? Do your best to bring back some of the fruit of the land.” (It was the season for the first ripe grapes.)

Here we see what Moses want the 12 spies to do. that is just to evaluate the promise God had for them, rather be encouraged of what the promise holds for them, more importantly influence people as thier tribe leaders encouraging them and uplifting them

But when they came back to the Israelite they brought back with them not just the fruit but fear and negativity. They not only did bring with them what was asked (A good report, an encouraging report) but also that which blinded the promise of god, they discouraged the people.
We have been promised by God great things, but often do we too consider on the impossibilities of it and worry and succumb to the fear of failure?

Later as we read, because they were not willing to trust in the sufficiency of God they did not make it to Cannan, we see a plague was borugh upon them by god, the whole Generation except for
Joshua and Caleb who brought back news of prosperity died in those 38 years, it was the unbelief and rebellion that caused them thier life in a journey which would well have not taken even 1/10 of the 38 years.

What really matters in life is not how difficult your promised land, or prosperity looks, but how you go about it. Are we goin to look onto it in unbelief ? Are we going to complain? Are we going to say how impossible it looks ? For when God has promised somethin he has already done all the permutations and combinations to that in your life ! All you need to do is trust him.

Look back into your life and see for yourself how he had brought you through many a situations of impossibilities. The same God lives even today, so stop worrying your journey through wilderness and start letting that good report encourage you and your fellow believers.

God Bless.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Are we going to do something to heal spiritual Paralysis

I wanted to pen down in my Blog something that God spoke to me through his word. Many of us would have read the portion which talks about the healing of the paralysed man.This occurs in 3 of the 4 gospels.I want to take Mark 2 in context here,

The man was paralyzed, paralysis as defined by Wikipedia is as below

Paralysis is loss of muscle function for one or more muscles. Paralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling (sensory loss) in the affected area if there is sensory damage as well as motor. The word comes from the Greek παράλυσις, "disabling of the nerves",itself from παρά (para), "beside, by" + λύσις (lusis), "loosing" and that from λύω (luō), "to loose".

So the paralyzed man had a problem, one that limited him in all that he wanted to do. He was living a life which depended on grace of his surroundings and the mercy of the people around.

I would now like to draw it with our spiritual life. to be frank and as plain as we can put it at times we have a paralyzed christian faith. A life that depends on surroundings, a faith that sometimes keep floating to the tune of the surroundings. we have to depend on people because we cant do it on our own.

However we could definitely sit back and say that yes this is normal in christian life and people will join and sympathize and say "Yes it is!".

But then this paralyzed man could have said to himself the same and his friends could have have sympathized with him and left it there.

But the moment this man knew that there was this man Jesus in town. A feeling urged him to voice out the need to meet Jesus and he could not do it himself for he was paralyzed.

Then he might have asked his friends, and the friends were motivated to help him out, probably not because they wanted to please him but because they too believed that a healing stood a step away from their commitment and effort.

Now they agreed to it and and the group of four men carried him on his bed and for sure we know it would not have been easy cause they did not have any transportation apart from foot.

If anyone of these four bailed out and said he was tired or could not move forward. It would have made things for the other three and perhaps the paralyzed man would have remained paralyzed.

But they carried on to reach the house. But again the house as we read in Mark 2:2 we see the room was full and there was no longer room to receive them not even near the door.Now they could have said to themselves all these people are hear to receive for God's word and healing and the paralyzed friend to would receive in this process.

But they were no determined to receive it first hand. They wanted to take that extra step and they carried the person over to the roof. making space doing that extra work of lifting him and lowering him. This was not an easy task more over this required them to be synced. They need to do it together in the same way. One lowering faster or slower would easily make the parlayed man fall of from the bed. They needed to do it TOGETHER IN ONE ACCORD . and they moment Jesus saw them doing this.

In Mark 2:5a it says : When Jesus saw THEIR faith.. He said to THE PARALYTIC .... .

It was the paralytics effort and faith that led to the healing of the paralytic..

What this implies and speaks to us is ...

YOU are who must help the paralyzed nature of your friends faith to receive a healing. If WE will take that extra step(which is surely not going to be easy) to make sure our state of paralyzed faith receives a a difference then God without doubt will surely help us to receive a healing, a deliverance from the state of paralysis.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Upper Room Youth Mission

Its about time i rub of the days not been put into fruitful times. URYM uae is maybe the call to be used once again. I along with help of some amazing believers that i have met till now will need to work on from scratch. Starting with submission to his will. I remember the early days of chapel at SJCE and seeing how it is today does give an urge to work on too URYM UAE . .

Its a long journey from where i see. but through his grace i can see a better brighter day not far away from today.

The thrill of praise and worship and sharing the word is there.Amidst all this there is this fear of being responsible.But neverthless how it feels, i need to prepare hard, focus for his voice and step to the task.

Its amazing to be working together back with Pam and Jens, the too most amazing praise and worship leaders i have seen and known personally. i hope and prays things will work out well and the tides of revival will sweep once again.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Bumble bee's got a story to tell

I have always liked bumble bees not sure why though. was it the name that sounded a pinch cute or was it for the cartoons that showed adorable yellow and black stripped buzzing buddies.

But do you know that scientist say "Bumble bees cant fly or are not suitable for flight" ? Wikipedia reads as follows "the laws of aerodynamics prove that the bumblebee should be incapable of flight, as it does not have the capacity (in terms of wing size or beats per second) to achieve flight with the degree of wing loading necessary." I am no aviation engineer or aeronautic fanatic but it simply says YOU CANT FLY !

Then how do they achieve this feat ? It is simply cause they dont BUY it or perhaps they needed to prove someone wrong.

Draw inspiration from these. . People might say that you dont have what it takes to be him/her but you certainly got the right things to prove him or her wrong. Dont buy opinions that people give. live life the way God has planned it out for you.

Science says Bumble bees can't fly but Bumble bee says Science is not that which rules me or set constraints for me !!
FACT : Aerodynamically calculating , the bumble bee cant fly,
TRUTH: the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway.
LEARN: Dwell not on what people say you cant do ! Do it cause you know yourself the best next to God alone knows and made the calculations for you

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My workspace

Second entry for year 2011. long long break for the blog,Jan days were busy and there was nothing that happened for a special blogworthy penning down.

Its been 10 months since i have joined Track24 and work is going good, its been a great learning opportunity. I must say that an IT career is not a bad one.,, Javascript, jQuery are new to me and i like working my head on them. Its probably because i always found programming to be one of my passions. Web and UI designing is another part of my Job that i have taken to interest.

I thank God for all that he has done for me... Yes i did go through a tear drained Feb and March 2010. but looking back to it i must say he knows what is best for us and every tear that has run down from your cheek did not fall in vain.

Also wishin Prema chechi and Ashok achachan on the engagement :) God bless them both so much.