Monday, March 14, 2011

Are we going to do something to heal spiritual Paralysis

I wanted to pen down in my Blog something that God spoke to me through his word. Many of us would have read the portion which talks about the healing of the paralysed man.This occurs in 3 of the 4 gospels.I want to take Mark 2 in context here,

The man was paralyzed, paralysis as defined by Wikipedia is as below

Paralysis is loss of muscle function for one or more muscles. Paralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling (sensory loss) in the affected area if there is sensory damage as well as motor. The word comes from the Greek παράλυσις, "disabling of the nerves",itself from παρά (para), "beside, by" + λύσις (lusis), "loosing" and that from λύω (luō), "to loose".

So the paralyzed man had a problem, one that limited him in all that he wanted to do. He was living a life which depended on grace of his surroundings and the mercy of the people around.

I would now like to draw it with our spiritual life. to be frank and as plain as we can put it at times we have a paralyzed christian faith. A life that depends on surroundings, a faith that sometimes keep floating to the tune of the surroundings. we have to depend on people because we cant do it on our own.

However we could definitely sit back and say that yes this is normal in christian life and people will join and sympathize and say "Yes it is!".

But then this paralyzed man could have said to himself the same and his friends could have have sympathized with him and left it there.

But the moment this man knew that there was this man Jesus in town. A feeling urged him to voice out the need to meet Jesus and he could not do it himself for he was paralyzed.

Then he might have asked his friends, and the friends were motivated to help him out, probably not because they wanted to please him but because they too believed that a healing stood a step away from their commitment and effort.

Now they agreed to it and and the group of four men carried him on his bed and for sure we know it would not have been easy cause they did not have any transportation apart from foot.

If anyone of these four bailed out and said he was tired or could not move forward. It would have made things for the other three and perhaps the paralyzed man would have remained paralyzed.

But they carried on to reach the house. But again the house as we read in Mark 2:2 we see the room was full and there was no longer room to receive them not even near the door.Now they could have said to themselves all these people are hear to receive for God's word and healing and the paralyzed friend to would receive in this process.

But they were no determined to receive it first hand. They wanted to take that extra step and they carried the person over to the roof. making space doing that extra work of lifting him and lowering him. This was not an easy task more over this required them to be synced. They need to do it together in the same way. One lowering faster or slower would easily make the parlayed man fall of from the bed. They needed to do it TOGETHER IN ONE ACCORD . and they moment Jesus saw them doing this.

In Mark 2:5a it says : When Jesus saw THEIR faith.. He said to THE PARALYTIC .... .

It was the paralytics effort and faith that led to the healing of the paralytic..

What this implies and speaks to us is ...

YOU are who must help the paralyzed nature of your friends faith to receive a healing. If WE will take that extra step(which is surely not going to be easy) to make sure our state of paralyzed faith receives a a difference then God without doubt will surely help us to receive a healing, a deliverance from the state of paralysis.