Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do we value ?

Harshi , A 19 year girl old girl who had great dreams and pursued animation classes at SAE Dubai had a tweet entry that read as below

 "At the airport and blah =_= Only thing to look forward to is the rain."
that entry remains the same .... it will continue to remain the same ..

do i know her?? Is that twitter feed special ??"  My answer quite frankly would be NO followed by YES. I have never known Harshi . and i will never get to know her . But that twitter feed burns me ..

Unfortunately rains never wet her cheeks but instead tears would have .

 Even if i havent known her, seen her or heard her . But for some reason untold i break down within. She never knew that it would be her last twitter feed . She never thought her trip to mangalore would end her dreams .She never knew that it was the last time she would see her friends.  She has got none to blame . In short she never saw it coming .

Boarding the Dubai-Manglore Air india Plane to attend her cousins marriage . She looked much forward to the rains .She couldn't ....

Life is sad when breath leaves only never to return back . It shocks me to know how granted i take things. Be it a simple ride back home or a journey across the seas . None can guarantee existence .

Its just a thought !! Do we value each second of our life ? I dont know whats in-store for me tomorrow.
But as said
 Tomorrow is future , Yesterday was past but today ?? it is a present . A gift that is given to you and you ought to be thankful for  it 
I cant find more words to add ..

God Bless You ALL

Friday, May 7, 2010

Another year passed by

May 4 .. Another birthday . 04/05/2010 was my 23rd birthday . I thank God for all he has done for the past 23 years ! It would be ideal if  i termed it as a roller coaster ride . Much gained .. Much lost . It was the dual faced coin of life . But through all i learned to look life in a different perspective . To thank God for every situation . To trust in God .
                    There is a lot to look forward too. But sometimes we are too busy clinging on to the door handle of closed doors . Why not jump in thru the open windows ! Crazy as it sounds .. You would never believe so as to how God works in life . Channel your faith trusting on God to work for you and he will definitely work . I am glad that i got the job . In midst of all the negative comments of friends and foes . relatives and strangers . God worked for me . Trust me on this
"The moment you are willing to jump out of the captivity of negativity its then that God's work   starts to manifest in your life "
So you need to pull yourself out of what people say or your circumstances say .. Stand up and reach out to God's work in your life ..